The Henderson Chamber of Commerce (HCC) is the voice of business in government. It is the only organization in Henderson that represents businesses of all sizes, industries, and stages. Through identifying the needs of its member organizations, the HCC harnesses the collective power of member businesses to influence government outcomes through its legislative and issues committees, as well as Issues Mobilization Political Action Committee (IMPAC).
The IMPAC is a bipartisan group that makes direct contributions to candidates who promote and vote for an agenda of a favorable business climate. IMPAC operates separately from the HCC by independent HCC volunteer members and follows the mission of the HCC and its member businesses.
Make a difference. Invest today.
To contribute by check, please download our IMPAC donation form here.
Southwest Gas Corp.
TSK Architects
Success City Online
Emerald Island Casino
Century Gaming - Nevada
Insurance Office of America
Dignity Health - St. Rose Dominican Hospitals
Gordon Law
Prism HR Consulting, LLC
Hiltz Commercial Group
KB Home
Hone Law
Haas Automation
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