Angela Brommel, Dr. Carrie Buck, Natasha Conner, Keith Copeland, Chris Fortier, Tom Gathright, John Holmstrom, John Hughes, Brian Huse, Chris Johnson, Jarrad Katz, Darlene Magolski, Justin Miller, David Ortlipp, David Patterson, Micah Phillips, Huston Pullen, Sherry Ramsey, Jeff Robey, Lester Romero, Josh Ruter, Thomas Sizemore, Honorable Mark Stevens, Patrick Thompson, Caprice Thurlow, Cindy Wallace, Anne Weber, Diana Weeks.
Worked with Chris Holman, Leadership Henderson Class of 2005, to establish SM@RT Connections, an organization aimed at educating parents and children about the dangers of the Internet, sexting and teaches on how one can become a good digital citizen.
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